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Середа, 03.07.2024, 04:17
Головна » 2015 » Жовтень » 07

AI machine achieves IQ test score of young child


Some people might find it enough reason to worry; others, enough reason to be upbeat about what we can achieve in computer science; all await the next chapters in artificial intelligence to see what more a machine can do to mimic human intelligence. We already saw what machines can do in arithmetic, chess and pattern recognition.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2015-10-ai-machine-iq-score-young.html#jCp
Some people might find it enough reason to worry; others, enough reason to be upbeat about what we can achieve in computer science; all await the next chapters in artificial intelligence to see ... Читати далі »
Переглядів: 509 | Додав: ighor | Дата: 07.10.2015 | Коментарі (0)